30 May
9 min

6 Cash Liquidity Forecasting Tools to Try

Discover the best cash liquidity forecasting tools for improved cash flow predictions and planning to help you manage your business's finances.

When we talk about business growth, what comes to mind first?

Efficient liquidity forecasting and cash flow management are the backbone of business growth. They are the key to maintaining a healthy financial position.

Fortunately, today many companies no longer have to handle these tasks manually.

Digital advancements have brought diverse and enhanced capabilities, making daily, monthly, quarterly, and yearly financial management much easier.

In today's article, we'll explore the top 6 cash liquidity forecasting tools to help you make the right choice for your business.

But first, let's uncover the basics of cash flow and liquidity forecasting.

Let's get started!

Cash Flow Forecasting vs Liquidity Forecasting

As the tools we will discuss in this article include features related to cash flow forecasting, it's important to first clarify the differences between cash flow forecasting and liquidity forecasting.

Let's dive into the basics and distinctions between these two concepts.

1. Cash Flow Forecasting

Cash flow forecasting involves predicting the inflows and outflows of cash within a business over a specific period.

The primary goal is to ensure that the company can meet its financial obligations and maintain a positive cash balance.

πŸ‘‰ Focus of cash flow forecasting:

  • Daily, weekly, or monthly cash inflows and outflows
  • Short-term planning
  • Ensuring liquidity to cover operational expenses, payroll, and other immediate obligations

πŸ‘‰ Components of cash flow forecasting:

  • Expected revenues (sales, receivables)
  • Expected expenses (operating costs, payables)
  • Capital expenditures
  • Financing activities (loans, investments)

2. Liquidity Forecasting

Liquidity forecasting is a broader concept that includes cash flow forecasting but also focuses on the overall ability of a company to meet its financial obligations.

It considers not just the cash but all liquid assets and the availability of credit.

πŸ‘‰ Focus of liquidity forecasting:

  • Medium to long-term planning
  • Overall financial health and solvency
  • Ability to meet financial obligations in various scenarios, including stress conditions

πŸ‘‰ Components of liquidity forecasting:

  • Cash flow projections
  • Liquid assets (cash, marketable securities)
  • Credit facilities and lines of credit
  • Debt maturities and repayment schedules
  • Working capital management

3. Key Differences between Cash Flow Forecasting and Liquidity Forecasting


As we can see, cash flow forecasting is a part of liquidity forecasting.

Thus, in the following text, we’ll outline all the features each platform offers that are related to both, liquidity forecasting and cash flow forecasting.

Top 6 Cash Liquidity Forecasting Tools to ConsiderΒ 

1. Puls Project


Puls Project is a comprehensive financial management tool designed to centralize and streamline financial operations for businesses.

Ideal for companies managing multiple bank accounts and seeking efficient financial oversight, Puls focuses on enhancing liquidity forecasting and simplifying financial workflows.

Key Features Related to Liquidity Forecasting

βœ”οΈ Centralization β€” Manage all bank accounts in one place for convenience and enhanced financial oversight.

βœ”οΈ Bank Account Linking β€” Link any bank account from over 4,000 banks to Puls within one minute, simplifying setup and integration.

βœ”οΈ Unified Account Management β€” View and manage all companies and accounts in one place.

βœ”οΈ Categories Assignment β€” Group financial activities across multiple banks and companies, aiding in expense tracking, spending optimization, compliance, and insights.

βœ”οΈ Labels Assignment β€” Assign labels to transactions for grouping financial activities based on criteria such as project, department, or purpose.

βœ”οΈ Profitability Tracking β€” Analyze profitability over any time period by label, category, counterparty, company, or account.

βœ”οΈ CSV Download β€” Filter and download desired transactions in CSV format to share with clients or accountants.

βœ”οΈ Payments β€” View balances of all accounts in one glance, manage invoice payments efficiently, and maintain a clear history of payments.

βœ”οΈ Cash Flow Monitoring β€” Monitor your cash flow actively. In case a cash gap is detected, it will be highlighted, allowing you to make necessary adjustments, such as transferring funds or considering a loan from Puls.

βœ”οΈ Credit Limit Calculation β€” Automatically calculated within at least 48 hours based on group level after connecting your business bank account. Puls offers a limit up to €100,000 for 12 months, where loans are applicable to all companies registered in Germany, in the Commercial Register.

What Makes It Stand Out?

Puls Project stands out for its extensive bank connectivity and real-time data accuracy, which enhance decision-making and streamline financial management across multiple accounts and companies.

Best For?

Puls Project is tailored for businesses seeking a unified solution to manage and forecast liquidity across various bank accounts efficiently.

With features that centralize financial operations and provide real-time data insights, it offers a robust platform for optimizing financial oversight and making informed business decisions.

2. CashAnalytics


CashAnalytics is an advanced tool designed to enhance cash flow forecasting and liquidity management for businesses.

Best suited for treasury and finance teams, it automates and simplifies the forecasting process, allowing users to make strategic decisions based on accurate and up-to-date financial data.

Key Features Related to Liquidity Forecasting

βœ”οΈ Trend Forecasting β€” Automates cash flow forecasting using historical data to create trend-based models, configurable by cash flow categories.

βœ”οΈ Budget Modeling β€” Translates monthly budgets and business plans into cash flow forecasts, providing medium to long-term visibility.

βœ”οΈ Recurring Items β€” Automates predictable cash flows like salaries and rent for ongoing forecasts without manual updates.

βœ”οΈ In-Sheet Modeling β€” Allows customization of cash flows with spreadsheet-like formulas and cell linking capabilities within the system.

βœ”οΈ Cash Sweep Modeling β€” Simplifies the structuring of cash sweeps and pooling within cash flow forecast models, automating target balances and postings.

What Makes It Stand Out?

CashAnalytics stands out for its high degree of automation and customization, providing treasury and finance teams with precise and efficient tools to manage and forecast cash flows across the business.

Best For?

CashAnalytics is a robust solution tailored for businesses who need accurate and automated cash flow forecasting.

Its features streamline liquidity management and offer detailed visibility, enabling strategic decision-making and efficient financial oversight.

3. Nomentia


Nomentia is a comprehensive cash and treasury management solution designed to provide businesses with clarity and efficiency in both daily and strategic financial operations.

This tool integrates seamlessly with various financial systems and banks, offering robust features for effective liquidity forecasting and management.

Key Features Related to Liquidity Forecasting

βœ”οΈ Better Overview of Cash Positions β€” Combine all cash flow data from various systems and banks to easily analyze group-wide cash flows and liquidity positions.

βœ”οΈ Optimize Short-Term Liquidity β€” Ensure smooth day-to-day operations by maintaining sufficient cash and convertible assets to cover short-term obligations.

βœ”οΈ Scenario Analysis β€” Create and compare different liquidity scenarios to discover opportunities and mitigate risks.

βœ”οΈ Historical and Current Liquidity Positions β€” View and analyze past and present liquidity positions for comprehensive financial insights.

βœ”οΈ Dynamic Data Views β€” Customize data views with functionalities such as aggregation, grouping, filtering, and multiple time period comparisons.

βœ”οΈ Cash Pool Structures β€” Set up and monitor cash pool structures to centralize liquidity management across business units and entities.

βœ”οΈ FX Hedging Requirements β€” Monitor and manage foreign exchange hedging to minimize financial risk.

βœ”οΈ Integrations & Format Conversions β€” Connect with any ERP system and other financial systems to aggregate cash flow data into one place.

What Makes It Stand Out?

Nomentia stands out for its extensive integration capabilities and dynamic data views, providing businesses with a unified platform to manage liquidity across multiple entities and banks effectively.

Best For?

Nomentia is tailored for businesses seeking an integrated and customizable solution for liquidity forecasting.

With features that centralize and analyze cash positions, it offers detailed visibility and robust tools for optimizing financial operations and strategic decision-making.

4. Collect.AI


Collect.AI is an AI-driven platform designed to optimize order-to-cash and receivables management for European enterprises.

It automates receivables processes and leverages AI to enhance payment workflows and customer interactions, making it ideal for businesses seeking to improve cash flow, reduce costs, and increase customer satisfaction.

Key Features Related to Liquidity Forecasting

βœ”οΈ Automated Receivables Processes β€” Streamlines the lifecycle of receivables from issuance to payment, enhancing cash flow predictability.

βœ”οΈ Real-Time Data Synchronization β€” Ensures all receivables data is up-to-date across systems, enabling accurate forecasting.

βœ”οΈ AI Assistants β€” Recognize payment behavior patterns and optimize workflows, improving cash flow management.

βœ”οΈ Predictive Insights β€” Provide actionable insights based on customer behavior to enhance decision-making.

βœ”οΈ Bidirectional Customer Interaction β€” AI interacts with customers to manage and optimize payment schedules, reducing Days Sales Outstanding (DSO).

What Makes It Stand Out?

Collect.AI stands out for its integration of AI to automate and optimize receivables management.

It provides predictive insights and enhances customer interactions to ensure faster and more reliable cash flow conversion.

Best For?

Collect.AI offers a comprehensive solution for businesses looking to modernize their receivables management with AI-driven automation.

By optimizing workflows and providing real-time data synchronization, it enhances liquidity forecasting and improves overall financial efficiency.

5. Agicap


Agicap’s Cash Flow Forecasting software is a powerful tool designed to improve financial planning and management for businesses.

It integrates with ERP, invoicing, and accounting systems, providing accurate and real-time cash flow forecasts.

This solution is ideal for businesses seeking versatile and reliable financial management tools that support short, medium, and long-term planning.

Key Features Related to Liquidity Forecasting

βœ”οΈ Reliable Forecasting β€” Analyzes cash flow and outstanding balances to build and modify reliable forecasts using simplified input tools.

βœ”οΈ Business Tool Synchronization β€” Automatically imports data from ERP, invoicing, and accounting systems to create accurate forecasts.

βœ”οΈ Scenario Analysis β€” Allows creation and comparison of various financial scenarios to visualize different cash flow outcomes.

βœ”οΈ Income Statement Conversion β€” Converts projected income statements into cash flow forecasts with a 3-step tool and offers easy re-import for updates.

βœ”οΈ Flexible Display β€” Displays cash flow projections in short, medium, and long-term views with customizable visibility (daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly).

What Makes It Stand Out?

Agicap stands out for its seamless integration capabilities and flexible display options, enabling businesses to manage and forecast cash flow effectively across multiple time horizons and data sources.

Best For?

Agicap is tailored for businesses needing a reliable and integrated solution for cash flow forecasting.

Its features support detailed financial planning and provide real-time insights, making it a versatile tool for enhancing financial management and decision-making.

6. Serrala


Serrala Cash Management and Forecasting is a comprehensive financial solution designed to provide businesses with real-time insights and automation.

This tool integrates cash-relevant data from multiple sources to create a unified and accurate cash overview.

Key Features Related to Liquidity Forecasting

βœ”οΈ Central Cash Visibility β€” Integrates data from various sources for a consolidated cash overview.

βœ”οΈ Automated Processes β€” Reduces manual tasks with up to 99% automation in cash reconciliation and forecasting.

βœ”οΈ Real-Time Data β€” Provides accurate, real-time data for informed decision-making.

βœ”οΈ Cash Positioning & Forecasting β€” Offers over 100 reports for insights into cash positions and forecasts.

βœ”οΈ Flexible Configuration β€” Allows custom configurations for cash flow planning, scenarios, and simulations.

βœ”οΈ Monitoring & Analytics β€” Automatically monitor and analyze real-time account information and cash flow status updates.

What Makes It Stand Out?

Serrala stands out for its high level of automation and comprehensive data integration, providing businesses with real-time financial insights and significantly reducing manual workload.

Best For?

Serrala offers a robust solution for businesses aiming to improve cash visibility and liquidity forecasting.

With features that integrate data from various sources and automate key processes, it provides a reliable platform for making informed financial decisions and enhancing overall financial management.

Wrapping Up

We hope our list of the top 6 cash liquidity forecasting tools helps you find the best solution for managing your business's finances.

As with any competition, one tool may stand out depending on your needs and preferences.

If you are a small or medium-sized business in Germany looking for a sophisticated solution for day-to-day monitoring and long-term forecasting, we recommend trying Puls.

To help you make this decision easier, we have outlined the top benefits of incorporating this solution into your cash liquidity forecasting and overall financial strategic planning:

πŸ‘‰ Real-time Cash Flow Visibility β€” Instantly view your cash flow status, enabling informed and timely financial decisions.

πŸ‘‰ Seamless Bank Integration β€” Effortlessly connect with multiple banks for centralized and accurate financial data.

πŸ‘‰ Flexible Financing Options β€” Quickly access up to €100,000 in financing to meet your business needs.

πŸ‘‰ Automated Workflows β€” Streamline financial operations with automated transaction categorization and payment reminders.

πŸ‘‰ Calendar-Structured Dashboard β€” Navigate easily by date to enter and manage transaction details, ensuring clarity and organization.

πŸ‘‰ Impact Analysis β€” Push scheduled transactions into the calendar to instantly see their potential impact on liquidity.

πŸ‘‰ Draft Payment Scheduling β€” Save scheduled payments as drafts and activate them when needed, enhancing payment management.

πŸ‘‰ Data Security and Compliance β€” Benefit from secure data handling and GDPR compliance, ensuring your financial information is protected.

Sign up with Puls to master your cash liquidity forecasting, effortlessly organize your finances, and confidently meet your financial obligations while driving future growth.

30 May
9 min

6 Cash Liquidity Forecasting Tools to Try

Discover the best cash liquidity forecasting tools for improved cash flow predictions and planning to help you manage your business's finances.

When we talk about business growth, what comes to mind first?

Efficient liquidity forecasting and cash flow management are the backbone of business growth. They are the key to maintaining a healthy financial position.

Fortunately, today many companies no longer have to handle these tasks manually.

Digital advancements have brought diverse and enhanced capabilities, making daily, monthly, quarterly, and yearly financial management much easier.

In today's article, we'll explore the top 6 cash liquidity forecasting tools to help you make the right choice for your business.

But first, let's uncover the basics of cash flow and liquidity forecasting.

Let's get started!

Cash Flow Forecasting vs Liquidity Forecasting

As the tools we will discuss in this article include features related to cash flow forecasting, it's important to first clarify the differences between cash flow forecasting and liquidity forecasting.

Let's dive into the basics and distinctions between these two concepts.

1. Cash Flow Forecasting

Cash flow forecasting involves predicting the inflows and outflows of cash within a business over a specific period.

The primary goal is to ensure that the company can meet its financial obligations and maintain a positive cash balance.

πŸ‘‰ Focus of cash flow forecasting:

  • Daily, weekly, or monthly cash inflows and outflows
  • Short-term planning
  • Ensuring liquidity to cover operational expenses, payroll, and other immediate obligations

πŸ‘‰ Components of cash flow forecasting:

  • Expected revenues (sales, receivables)
  • Expected expenses (operating costs, payables)
  • Capital expenditures
  • Financing activities (loans, investments)

2. Liquidity Forecasting

Liquidity forecasting is a broader concept that includes cash flow forecasting but also focuses on the overall ability of a company to meet its financial obligations.

It considers not just the cash but all liquid assets and the availability of credit.

πŸ‘‰ Focus of liquidity forecasting:

  • Medium to long-term planning
  • Overall financial health and solvency
  • Ability to meet financial obligations in various scenarios, including stress conditions

πŸ‘‰ Components of liquidity forecasting:

  • Cash flow projections
  • Liquid assets (cash, marketable securities)
  • Credit facilities and lines of credit
  • Debt maturities and repayment schedules
  • Working capital management

3. Key Differences between Cash Flow Forecasting and Liquidity Forecasting


As we can see, cash flow forecasting is a part of liquidity forecasting.

Thus, in the following text, we’ll outline all the features each platform offers that are related to both, liquidity forecasting and cash flow forecasting.

Top 6 Cash Liquidity Forecasting Tools to ConsiderΒ 

1. Puls Project


Puls Project is a comprehensive financial management tool designed to centralize and streamline financial operations for businesses.

Ideal for companies managing multiple bank accounts and seeking efficient financial oversight, Puls focuses on enhancing liquidity forecasting and simplifying financial workflows.

Key Features Related to Liquidity Forecasting

βœ”οΈ Centralization β€” Manage all bank accounts in one place for convenience and enhanced financial oversight.

βœ”οΈ Bank Account Linking β€” Link any bank account from over 4,000 banks to Puls within one minute, simplifying setup and integration.

βœ”οΈ Unified Account Management β€” View and manage all companies and accounts in one place.

βœ”οΈ Categories Assignment β€” Group financial activities across multiple banks and companies, aiding in expense tracking, spending optimization, compliance, and insights.

βœ”οΈ Labels Assignment β€” Assign labels to transactions for grouping financial activities based on criteria such as project, department, or purpose.

βœ”οΈ Profitability Tracking β€” Analyze profitability over any time period by label, category, counterparty, company, or account.

βœ”οΈ CSV Download β€” Filter and download desired transactions in CSV format to share with clients or accountants.

βœ”οΈ Payments β€” View balances of all accounts in one glance, manage invoice payments efficiently, and maintain a clear history of payments.

βœ”οΈ Cash Flow Monitoring β€” Monitor your cash flow actively. In case a cash gap is detected, it will be highlighted, allowing you to make necessary adjustments, such as transferring funds or considering a loan from Puls.

βœ”οΈ Credit Limit Calculation β€” Automatically calculated within at least 48 hours based on group level after connecting your business bank account. Puls offers a limit up to €100,000 for 12 months, where loans are applicable to all companies registered in Germany, in the Commercial Register.

What Makes It Stand Out?

Puls Project stands out for its extensive bank connectivity and real-time data accuracy, which enhance decision-making and streamline financial management across multiple accounts and companies.

Best For?

Puls Project is tailored for businesses seeking a unified solution to manage and forecast liquidity across various bank accounts efficiently.

With features that centralize financial operations and provide real-time data insights, it offers a robust platform for optimizing financial oversight and making informed business decisions.

2. CashAnalytics


CashAnalytics is an advanced tool designed to enhance cash flow forecasting and liquidity management for businesses.

Best suited for treasury and finance teams, it automates and simplifies the forecasting process, allowing users to make strategic decisions based on accurate and up-to-date financial data.

Key Features Related to Liquidity Forecasting

βœ”οΈ Trend Forecasting β€” Automates cash flow forecasting using historical data to create trend-based models, configurable by cash flow categories.

βœ”οΈ Budget Modeling β€” Translates monthly budgets and business plans into cash flow forecasts, providing medium to long-term visibility.

βœ”οΈ Recurring Items β€” Automates predictable cash flows like salaries and rent for ongoing forecasts without manual updates.

βœ”οΈ In-Sheet Modeling β€” Allows customization of cash flows with spreadsheet-like formulas and cell linking capabilities within the system.

βœ”οΈ Cash Sweep Modeling β€” Simplifies the structuring of cash sweeps and pooling within cash flow forecast models, automating target balances and postings.

What Makes It Stand Out?

CashAnalytics stands out for its high degree of automation and customization, providing treasury and finance teams with precise and efficient tools to manage and forecast cash flows across the business.

Best For?

CashAnalytics is a robust solution tailored for businesses who need accurate and automated cash flow forecasting.

Its features streamline liquidity management and offer detailed visibility, enabling strategic decision-making and efficient financial oversight.

3. Nomentia


Nomentia is a comprehensive cash and treasury management solution designed to provide businesses with clarity and efficiency in both daily and strategic financial operations.

This tool integrates seamlessly with various financial systems and banks, offering robust features for effective liquidity forecasting and management.

Key Features Related to Liquidity Forecasting

βœ”οΈ Better Overview of Cash Positions β€” Combine all cash flow data from various systems and banks to easily analyze group-wide cash flows and liquidity positions.

βœ”οΈ Optimize Short-Term Liquidity β€” Ensure smooth day-to-day operations by maintaining sufficient cash and convertible assets to cover short-term obligations.

βœ”οΈ Scenario Analysis β€” Create and compare different liquidity scenarios to discover opportunities and mitigate risks.

βœ”οΈ Historical and Current Liquidity Positions β€” View and analyze past and present liquidity positions for comprehensive financial insights.

βœ”οΈ Dynamic Data Views β€” Customize data views with functionalities such as aggregation, grouping, filtering, and multiple time period comparisons.

βœ”οΈ Cash Pool Structures β€” Set up and monitor cash pool structures to centralize liquidity management across business units and entities.

βœ”οΈ FX Hedging Requirements β€” Monitor and manage foreign exchange hedging to minimize financial risk.

βœ”οΈ Integrations & Format Conversions β€” Connect with any ERP system and other financial systems to aggregate cash flow data into one place.

What Makes It Stand Out?

Nomentia stands out for its extensive integration capabilities and dynamic data views, providing businesses with a unified platform to manage liquidity across multiple entities and banks effectively.

Best For?

Nomentia is tailored for businesses seeking an integrated and customizable solution for liquidity forecasting.

With features that centralize and analyze cash positions, it offers detailed visibility and robust tools for optimizing financial operations and strategic decision-making.

4. Collect.AI


Collect.AI is an AI-driven platform designed to optimize order-to-cash and receivables management for European enterprises.

It automates receivables processes and leverages AI to enhance payment workflows and customer interactions, making it ideal for businesses seeking to improve cash flow, reduce costs, and increase customer satisfaction.

Key Features Related to Liquidity Forecasting

βœ”οΈ Automated Receivables Processes β€” Streamlines the lifecycle of receivables from issuance to payment, enhancing cash flow predictability.

βœ”οΈ Real-Time Data Synchronization β€” Ensures all receivables data is up-to-date across systems, enabling accurate forecasting.

βœ”οΈ AI Assistants β€” Recognize payment behavior patterns and optimize workflows, improving cash flow management.

βœ”οΈ Predictive Insights β€” Provide actionable insights based on customer behavior to enhance decision-making.

βœ”οΈ Bidirectional Customer Interaction β€” AI interacts with customers to manage and optimize payment schedules, reducing Days Sales Outstanding (DSO).

What Makes It Stand Out?

Collect.AI stands out for its integration of AI to automate and optimize receivables management.

It provides predictive insights and enhances customer interactions to ensure faster and more reliable cash flow conversion.

Best For?

Collect.AI offers a comprehensive solution for businesses looking to modernize their receivables management with AI-driven automation.

By optimizing workflows and providing real-time data synchronization, it enhances liquidity forecasting and improves overall financial efficiency.

5. Agicap


Agicap’s Cash Flow Forecasting software is a powerful tool designed to improve financial planning and management for businesses.

It integrates with ERP, invoicing, and accounting systems, providing accurate and real-time cash flow forecasts.

This solution is ideal for businesses seeking versatile and reliable financial management tools that support short, medium, and long-term planning.

Key Features Related to Liquidity Forecasting

βœ”οΈ Reliable Forecasting β€” Analyzes cash flow and outstanding balances to build and modify reliable forecasts using simplified input tools.

βœ”οΈ Business Tool Synchronization β€” Automatically imports data from ERP, invoicing, and accounting systems to create accurate forecasts.

βœ”οΈ Scenario Analysis β€” Allows creation and comparison of various financial scenarios to visualize different cash flow outcomes.

βœ”οΈ Income Statement Conversion β€” Converts projected income statements into cash flow forecasts with a 3-step tool and offers easy re-import for updates.

βœ”οΈ Flexible Display β€” Displays cash flow projections in short, medium, and long-term views with customizable visibility (daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly).

What Makes It Stand Out?

Agicap stands out for its seamless integration capabilities and flexible display options, enabling businesses to manage and forecast cash flow effectively across multiple time horizons and data sources.

Best For?

Agicap is tailored for businesses needing a reliable and integrated solution for cash flow forecasting.

Its features support detailed financial planning and provide real-time insights, making it a versatile tool for enhancing financial management and decision-making.

6. Serrala


Serrala Cash Management and Forecasting is a comprehensive financial solution designed to provide businesses with real-time insights and automation.

This tool integrates cash-relevant data from multiple sources to create a unified and accurate cash overview.

Key Features Related to Liquidity Forecasting

βœ”οΈ Central Cash Visibility β€” Integrates data from various sources for a consolidated cash overview.

βœ”οΈ Automated Processes β€” Reduces manual tasks with up to 99% automation in cash reconciliation and forecasting.

βœ”οΈ Real-Time Data β€” Provides accurate, real-time data for informed decision-making.

βœ”οΈ Cash Positioning & Forecasting β€” Offers over 100 reports for insights into cash positions and forecasts.

βœ”οΈ Flexible Configuration β€” Allows custom configurations for cash flow planning, scenarios, and simulations.

βœ”οΈ Monitoring & Analytics β€” Automatically monitor and analyze real-time account information and cash flow status updates.

What Makes It Stand Out?

Serrala stands out for its high level of automation and comprehensive data integration, providing businesses with real-time financial insights and significantly reducing manual workload.

Best For?

Serrala offers a robust solution for businesses aiming to improve cash visibility and liquidity forecasting.

With features that integrate data from various sources and automate key processes, it provides a reliable platform for making informed financial decisions and enhancing overall financial management.

Wrapping Up

We hope our list of the top 6 cash liquidity forecasting tools helps you find the best solution for managing your business's finances.

As with any competition, one tool may stand out depending on your needs and preferences.

If you are a small or medium-sized business in Germany looking for a sophisticated solution for day-to-day monitoring and long-term forecasting, we recommend trying Puls.

To help you make this decision easier, we have outlined the top benefits of incorporating this solution into your cash liquidity forecasting and overall financial strategic planning:

πŸ‘‰ Real-time Cash Flow Visibility β€” Instantly view your cash flow status, enabling informed and timely financial decisions.

πŸ‘‰ Seamless Bank Integration β€” Effortlessly connect with multiple banks for centralized and accurate financial data.

πŸ‘‰ Flexible Financing Options β€” Quickly access up to €100,000 in financing to meet your business needs.

πŸ‘‰ Automated Workflows β€” Streamline financial operations with automated transaction categorization and payment reminders.

πŸ‘‰ Calendar-Structured Dashboard β€” Navigate easily by date to enter and manage transaction details, ensuring clarity and organization.

πŸ‘‰ Impact Analysis β€” Push scheduled transactions into the calendar to instantly see their potential impact on liquidity.

πŸ‘‰ Draft Payment Scheduling β€” Save scheduled payments as drafts and activate them when needed, enhancing payment management.

πŸ‘‰ Data Security and Compliance β€” Benefit from secure data handling and GDPR compliance, ensuring your financial information is protected.

Sign up with Puls to master your cash liquidity forecasting, effortlessly organize your finances, and confidently meet your financial obligations while driving future growth.

Manage your finances inΒ Puls, and always have access to instant funding up to €100,000

Simply register and connect your bank account

Try now

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