1 Feb
2 min

If you fall into the liquidity gap

We hear often: Increase sales with incentives and promotions, plan everything ahead. But if those who tell this were businessmen, they would know how things really work: academically you should have planned everything long ago, but in real life, things are much more dynamic and unpredictable.

We often hear:

  • Increase sales with incentives and promotions
  • Keep a close eye on cash flow
  • Plan ahead

But if those who say these things were businesspeople, they would know how things really work: In theory, everything should be planned well in advance, but the real world is much more dynamic and unpredictable. Liquidity gaps often arise unexpectedly and can pose significant challenges to a business.

As an entrepreneur, you always have an idea of how much money you'll have in one or three months. Most of our clients tell us that before using Puls, they either relied on memory, used Excel for some information, kept invoices on their desk as a reminder, or were regularly or sporadically informed by their assistants and accountants through reports or stacks of invoices.

The reality of the cash gap

Some mention that they use an accounting system, but can that system predict how much money will be in your bank account on any given day a month or two from now when you need to pay that one really important bill you can't forget? 💡

Exactly, accounting systems are not designed for this - their primary purpose is financial and tax reporting, focusing mainly on documenting what happened in the past, not what might happen in the future. The liquidity gap often goes unaddressed.

How Puls Closes the Liquidity Gap

When we designed our tool, we thought about these constant worries - so you can see on any day in the future how much money you will have in your account. And if it is not enough, you can get a loan from us within a day.

If there is a sudden financial gap, our system gives you peace of mind - because you can see every day exactly how much money you have available and how you can close the gap in your cash flow with good planning. Puls helps you identify the cash gap early and act proactively.

Get a good feeling about managing your company's accounts - simply register and link your company bank account: tomorrow you will know your credit limit with Puls and always see it in your Puls account.

Real life examples of overcoming the liquidity gap

Our customers report many successful examples of how they overcame the liquidity gap with Pulse. One of our clients, a mid-sized manufacturing company, was able to take timely action thanks to the early detection of an impending cash crunch. Through targeted financial planning and short-term access to credit via Puls, they were able to pay their suppliers on time and maintain production.

Another customer in the retail sector used Puls to better manage seasonal fluctuations. Especially in the weaker sales months, the liquidity gap was a major challenge. With the help of Puls, they were able to identify cash flow bottlenecks and take early action to bridge financial gaps.

The Importance of the Liquidity Gap to Business Management

The liquidity gap is a critical issue for any business, regardless of size or industry. Inadequate liquidity can not only threaten day-to-day operations, but also limit long-term growth opportunities. With Puls, you have a powerful tool at your side to help you bridge the liquidity gap and ensure financial stability.

In summary, liquidity gaps are a daily challenge for many businesses. With Puls, you can successfully meet this challenge by keeping a constant eye on your finances and responding flexibly to unforeseen financial bottlenecks. Sign up today and see how Puls can help you close the cash gap and secure your financial future.

1 Feb
2 min

If you fall into the liquidity gap

We hear often: Increase sales with incentives and promotions, plan everything ahead. But if those who tell this were businessmen, they would know how things really work: academically you should have planned everything long ago, but in real life, things are much more dynamic and unpredictable.

We often hear:

  • Increase sales with incentives and promotions
  • Keep a close eye on cash flow
  • Plan ahead

But if those who say these things were businesspeople, they would know how things really work: In theory, everything should be planned well in advance, but the real world is much more dynamic and unpredictable. Liquidity gaps often arise unexpectedly and can pose significant challenges to a business.

As an entrepreneur, you always have an idea of how much money you'll have in one or three months. Most of our clients tell us that before using Puls, they either relied on memory, used Excel for some information, kept invoices on their desk as a reminder, or were regularly or sporadically informed by their assistants and accountants through reports or stacks of invoices.

The reality of the cash gap

Some mention that they use an accounting system, but can that system predict how much money will be in your bank account on any given day a month or two from now when you need to pay that one really important bill you can't forget? 💡

Exactly, accounting systems are not designed for this - their primary purpose is financial and tax reporting, focusing mainly on documenting what happened in the past, not what might happen in the future. The liquidity gap often goes unaddressed.

How Puls Closes the Liquidity Gap

When we designed our tool, we thought about these constant worries - so you can see on any day in the future how much money you will have in your account. And if it is not enough, you can get a loan from us within a day.

If there is a sudden financial gap, our system gives you peace of mind - because you can see every day exactly how much money you have available and how you can close the gap in your cash flow with good planning. Puls helps you identify the cash gap early and act proactively.

Get a good feeling about managing your company's accounts - simply register and link your company bank account: tomorrow you will know your credit limit with Puls and always see it in your Puls account.

Real life examples of overcoming the liquidity gap

Our customers report many successful examples of how they overcame the liquidity gap with Pulse. One of our clients, a mid-sized manufacturing company, was able to take timely action thanks to the early detection of an impending cash crunch. Through targeted financial planning and short-term access to credit via Puls, they were able to pay their suppliers on time and maintain production.

Another customer in the retail sector used Puls to better manage seasonal fluctuations. Especially in the weaker sales months, the liquidity gap was a major challenge. With the help of Puls, they were able to identify cash flow bottlenecks and take early action to bridge financial gaps.

The Importance of the Liquidity Gap to Business Management

The liquidity gap is a critical issue for any business, regardless of size or industry. Inadequate liquidity can not only threaten day-to-day operations, but also limit long-term growth opportunities. With Puls, you have a powerful tool at your side to help you bridge the liquidity gap and ensure financial stability.

In summary, liquidity gaps are a daily challenge for many businesses. With Puls, you can successfully meet this challenge by keeping a constant eye on your finances and responding flexibly to unforeseen financial bottlenecks. Sign up today and see how Puls can help you close the cash gap and secure your financial future.

Manage your finances in Puls, and always have access to instant funding up to €100,000

Simply register and connect your bank account

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